Presenting the free Rickshaw set in the Samurai Castle Builder series at Continue reading “SCB Rickshaw released”
“SCB3 The Keep” released
Introducing the third set in the Samurai Castle Builder series: The Keep at Continue reading ““SCB3 The Keep” released”
“SCB2 Gates and Walls” released
Introducing the second set in the Samurai Castle Builder series: The Gates and Walls at Continue reading ““SCB2 Gates and Walls” released”
“Bridges and Lanterns” released
Introducing the “Japanese Garden: Bridges and Lanterns” set at Continue reading ““Bridges and Lanterns” released”
Samurai Castle Towers released
Introducing the first set in the Samurai Castle Builder series “The Tower” at Continue reading “Samurai Castle Towers released”
The Asian Temple set released
Paperschnitzel presents the Asian Temple paper model set available on Continue reading “The Asian Temple set released”